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Update: Downloads made available again, but only after pressure.
A classic style point and click game and fighter.
I was never much of a fan for point and click games but this one was interesting enough to sit through. The plot is well written and the biggest strenght the game has is the character interactions.
Sometimes the game can be a bit vague but that's more of a norm that anything in point and click games. However the difference between Brok and other point and click games are the collectable ads. These ones give a slight and vague hint that is exactly the nudge you require to figure out what you should be doing and how. It teaches you that just like real life, everything is a layer cake. When you thought you reached a solid conclusion that makes sense, there will most likely be another layer underneath ready to be glanced by that changes the entire context of the investigation.
I thoroughly enjoyed the game and I believe it was definatelly worth my time picking it up and 100%ing it.
sa dure pas tres longtemp.