This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-10-22 04:00:00 to 2022-10-23 04:00:00. View results

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The Pixelated Toast Game Jam 2!


This is the 2nd Pixelated Toast Game Jam!  It is a small game jam just for fun going between the 22nd and 23rd of October both at 2 pm AEST, (East Australia Time) so throughout the weekend, the judging will go from the 23rd of October to the 28th of October, at 4 pm.

I made this jam first of all because toast is the greatest food, and secondly, I just really like pixel art and 8-bit things. Also, toast +jam = jam on toast, so it's kind of fitting. Right?? 


  1. You can work solo or with a team (maximum 5 people)
  2. For 2D, each sprite must be pixel art with a maximum size of 64x64 (the menus do not have to be pixel art but it is highly recommended as it will fit in with a pixel art environment)
  3. For 3D, each object must be voxel art.
  4. The scripts must be written within the jam unless it is a tool (audio manager,  character controller,  level transitions, etc)
  5. Each sprite/object must be made by yourself or someone within a team. previous
  6. The theme is required but the game does not have to be about toast.
  7. Music and SFX can be reused
  8. You can use any software you want, as long as you are able to submit a video game within the time.
  9. Only use things you are allowed to use.
  10. No NSFW submissions.
  11. When the next jam has been made, it will be announced in the previous jams community page.


From the 23rd of October to the 28th of October at 4 pm will be the judging. Anyone will be able to judge. The games will be voted on with these topics.

FUN: How enjoyable the game is to play.

ORIGINALITY: How original the concept is.

GAMEPLAY: How good the mechanics are.

ART: How good the art is.

OVERALL: The overall score of the game.


Every Ending is a New Beginning!

What does this mean? That is for you to decide! It could be that every time you win there is a twist, or the story is a loop, but make sure to have fun!

Just remember, don't over-scope the project, and be realistic with what you can do in the time frame. But most importantly just have fun, there is no real pressure to compete, it is just a thing to have fun with.


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A short shooting game for the pixelated toast jam.
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Toast shooter
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