This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-09-23 12:00:00 to 2022-09-30 12:00:00. View results

Hello Game Developers

Welcome to the first ever Platformer Week Game Jam. 

Platformers. A very popular genre and one of the earliest genres of video games to ever exist; probably everyone has played a platformer at some point. Platformers are also quite popular in the indie scene due to their simplicity.

For this Jam you will have ONE week to make a platformer!


1. The game should be made during the jam. You may not submit a premade game.

2. Feel free to use assets you have, such as an MC, or tilesets. If you have a good idea of what assets you need, feel free to make or assimilate assets before the jam, just make sure the game is made during the jam. 

3. Incomplete games are acceptable, but they must be playable. Your game must run and have at least "some thing" to do in the game. Meaning there must be some goal for players; you cannot just submit a scene with a movable character.

4. You may team up with other developers (hence the #find-a-team channel on the Discord). However, I would not recommend a team over 3 because the larger your team the harder it will be to coordinate in such a short time.

5. You may use any engine you want as long as your game is playable in a browser or has an executable.

6. Your game should not contain swearing, mutilation, or nudity; you will be disqualified. If you're not sure about something in your game, ask.



How was your overall experience with the game (ehh, okay, great, AMAZING)


Things like game mechanics, how well the movement was, unique designs, etc.


Did the game look good? Was the art crisp? Were the levels "alive"?


Was the game actually a platformer? Should it even belong in the jam? Was platforming the backbone of the game?

Optional Theme: Climb

The theme is voted on the week before the jam. The theme will be posted here and in the Discord at the start of the jam. To vote, reply to my post in the community tab.


Jam winners will get a special role in the Discord server as well as a personal channel to promote their game in.

If you submitted a game, then you can vote on other submissions. Results are posted a day or two after the voting period ends.

Special thanks to the Metroidvania Month for inspiring this jam; I based a lot of this jam after it. If Metroidvanias are more your thing instead of generic platformers, then check out their last jam here.

Join the Discord Server! The server a brand new, so don't be surprised if you the first few in.

This page is also new, so don't worry if it changes quite a bit before the jam. Feel free to give me any feedback on improvements you'd like to see on the jam (this is my first)

I really hope to see you in the jam and look forward to playing what you make!

Platformer Week Discord ServerMy Itch Account


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Windows (4)
macOS (1)

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Cuboid, theres a how to play in the actual gmae
A precision, puzzle, platformer or a PPP
My first 2D Platformer for a Game Jam. Only 2 levels and a boss fight so far.