Playmakers Summertime Game Jam
- Q: are groups being organized beforehand or are we just winging it on the day. r the rooms computer labs, is it pc or mac and can i install (any) game design software on them or r they admin locked like the rest
- A: The groups are formed on the day, the booked room is not a computer lab so you'll need to B.Y.O.D. Preferably export to windows or WebGL if possible for the judges to evaluate
- Q: Are we allowed to use a template that has a main menu with a play and quit button already set up? Stuff that you probably want in most games that seems pointless to waste precious jamming time on
- A: Yes, this is fine
- Q: Do we have to be on campus for the game jam this weekend?
- A: We'd love to see you there but ye, online is totally fine
- Q: What's the theme for the jam?
- A: Jam themes will be announced at 10am Saturday 17/12/2022
- Q: Is there a limit to team sizes
- A: Team sizes will be limited to 5 people