This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-03-01 05:00:00 to 2024-05-01 04:00:00. View results

Have you ever wanted to try making a podcast? Maybe you had an idea for a great show, but were discouraged because of the problem of finding an audience, or maybe you didn't want to commit to a regular release schedule. Amigo Aaron's Pod Jam is for you! 

Introducing our judges!

Ravi Abbot
Ravi is the host of the Retro Hour Podcast, the UK's most popular retro gaming podcast. He is also an active member of the Amiga community, founder of Kickstart, the UK's largest Amiga event, and a world-renown DJ.

Rob "Flack" O'Hara 
A veteran podcaster and member of the retro space, Rob has hosted podcasts since the mid-2000's. He is currently the host of You Don't Know Flack and Sprite Castle. 

Neil - RMC

Neil is the host of This Week in Retro podcast and is a founding member of The Retro Collective, a classic computer and arcade museum in Stroud, UK. 

1st Place - $50 Gift Card from
2nd Place - $25 Gift Card from
3rd Place  - $25 Gift Card from

Thank you to Frank from RetroRewind for providing our prizes! 


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My first attempt at a podcast for the PodJam, talking about a subject I have personally embraced - Essentialism
What would you give to have a chance at a Jaguar...a piece of yourself maybe?
A tale of voluntary self-vanquishment.
A rewatch podcast of 80s children's show The Mysterious Cities of Gold.
A podcast about being an American, when you're Chinese.
The Hitching Post Podcast is a series of podcasts dedicated to retro games, TV , movies and more.
The poetry podcast featuring you!