This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-04-13 22:00:00 to 2018-04-16 04:00:00. View results

Greetings & Welcome to the Post Grind Jam #1!


Create any playable game over the weekend, hopefully taking your mind off your typical 9-5 grind,  and receive positive feedback and encouragement as you continue to pursue your passion for creating games.

Theme:  ENERGY

Energy could range from high energy, high tempo, lots of movement or shooting to maybe just having an energy pickup.  Maybe create an endless runner where the player collects an energy drink to keep going.  Maybe you'd rather design a low energy game that picks up over time.  Whatever you can imagine.  Remember to keep it simple, make something you can finish, and implement this theme however you feel is best for your game.


  • Please keep your content less than M...for sexually explicit, gore, or offensive content.
  • Teams are encouraged.  Feel free to checkout the Community or the Discord Channel.
  • Use only the assets you create during the game jam session.
  • Use any game engine you like.  Please provide an executable file or .zip in the submission, unless it plays on the web.
  • If you're active on Twitter, please use the hashtag #PGJam to show what you've been working on.
  • Play nice & have fun!

Note:  Rules may change as I continue to develop a weekly or bi-weekly jam.  Please check back for updates prior to the jam session.


I'm working on some more possible prizes.  Currently, the winning game will be featured on the official Post Grind Jam page and linked to the winning profile.  I'm working on a YouTube channel where I plan to dive into game submissions each week and feature the most popular game as well as the games that were were most playable.


Please feel free to work as a team, if needed, and have each team member sign up for the jam.  
Teams can be organized or found in the Community section or the Discord Channel.


After submission, anyone can vote.  New uploads of updates will be locked until the voting period has ended.

  • Theme
  • Artwork
  • Game Design
  • SFX & Music


I strongly urge everyone to provide feedback, regardless if you vote.  I feel this is the best way to keep developers encouraged and continuing to provide creative, enjoyable content.  Please keep the feedback positive and informative, but don't hesitate to point out bugs and areas of improvement.  


Feel free to post in the Community or checkout the Discord Channel.


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Browser playable (4)
Windows (5)

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Ever wanted to work for a power company? This is probably nothing like that.
A high-energy builder-platformer made in ~20 hours for the Post Grind Jam #1 in April '18
Made in 48hrs for Post Grind Jam #1
Run while you are trying​ not to die
And you thought '97 had it all!
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made for Post Grind Game Jam #1
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