This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-12-08 08:00:00 to 2023-04-10 06:59:59. View results

Postcards from the Front is a Wargame Design Jam.


What will not be tolerated? 

Game components with symbols of hate. 

Games about genocide, slavery or human trafficking (examples).

Abusive behavior towards other members of the community or their designs.

This is a community centric Game Design Jam.  This is a Jam NOT a Contest.

Collaborations, sharing, community playtesting and feedback are all encouraged. 

Play nice with everyone. PERIOD.


Rules | Guidelines

Games must fit on a 5" x 7" postcard (or metric equivalent) , both front and back can be used.

Game must be a Wargame. 

What is a wargame? That question has cause a few civil wars unto I will use a very loose interpretation of what is a Wargame. One of the goals of the Jam is to encourage exploring that boundary. 

Dice, 52 card decks, Coins may be part of the design and not included on the postcard.  

Counters, Cubes, Player markers MUST be included on the postcard. (The spirit of a postcard game is that a postcard game is complete and self reliant, sans dice or 52 card decks or coins)

Submission Limit : No Limit, if you have the time and energy, share all of your designs. 

*** FREE GAMES ***

All playable games will be made available for FREE to the general public. I will create a publisher page on BGG and upload all of the games there. 

*** Ok, this jam is getting much larger than I ever Imaged, so printing all the games looks like it's going to go well beyond my budget. I'll see what I can do, but no promise i will be able to all the games printed. =( *** 

My intention is to print 500 copies of every playable game and  send each designer 100 copies of their game and I will hand out the others (for FREE) at game nights, conventions and make copies available to whoever wants me to send them a printed copy of the games. This will be costly and may take me time to get all the games printed. =) 

*** Game Play Videos and Interviews ***

I plan to create game play videos of every playable game and include in each video a short interview with each of you. Not required and you can opt out of the Interview. The videos will be made available on the Hissy Cat Studio YouTube Channel.


Nils Johansson has made a very generous offer to provide his amazing artistic talents and provide one game a graphic makeover.  In an effort to be fair, I will randomly select one FINISHED, SUBMITTED, PLAYABLE game to award this gift. If you are not interest in having a graphical makeover, please let me know and I will exclude you from the selection process. I have already seen a few very nice looking games. =)

*** Sponsors ***

If any game publisher is interested in sponsoring  the Inaugural Postcards from the Front - Wargame Game Jam. Your company logo and name will be printed on the back of the tee shirts. Please contact me for details. 


The Games will always be made available for free, I will never sell the games. Period

Any monies collected from tee shirt sales or sponsorships will be put back into this years Wargame Jam as well as future Postcards from the Front - Wargame Game Jams.

Based on the early excitement and positive feedback already received for this years Postcards from the Front - Wargame Game Jam, I plan to run it annually.  


All submissions
Windows (2)
macOS (2)
Linux (1)
Android (1)

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A postcard wargame that places you in the role of a sniper during WWII
free sci fi mini print and play wargame
Taiwan Strait conflict based on TSR's Hunt for Red October.
Symetrical Postcard Wargame
A postcard game about one of the most iconic battles of WWII - Market Garden!
A Post Card Sized Game for Enhancing Your Wargame Campaign
A mini game for 1-2 players about Battle of Britain
A States of Siege-type game set in Mark Walker's Dark War universe
A solo, postcard sized, wargame set during WW1.
Air defense game over a city. Postcards from the front.
Commemorates the famous fight between Danes and English in 991 AD.
Kriegspiel in a postcard
A solitaire wargame that depicts the struggles of a U-Boot Kommandant and his crew during WWII.
Against all odds, build (or destroy) the Soviet internet that never was...
Maneuver Warfare in the Age of Napoleon
Naval operations in the Dardanelles Strait 1915
Bloody Battle during the 2nd Battle of Inonu/Avgin-Kovalitsa
Postcard Wargame about Orbital Warfare in the near future #pftf2023
Postcard Wargame about an American spy sneaking into a Russian nuclear facility set in the Cold War era.
Design your spacecraft and battle against your opponent in a 1v1 stellar showdown!
Duelling hoplites
Enemies are coming to the City! Roll with it!
Two Cold War under sea hunters looking to sink the enemy
The sinews of war are infinite money
A short postcard wargame about the strange events in Trieste at the end of WW2.
Kong has climbed to the top of Elizabeth Tower! Can you take him down and save London?
A literary solitaire wargame inspired by the likes of Friedrich and Regicide
On a frozen cabbage patch, will there be war or football this Christmas?
How far can you push your luck to disarm all the bombs and save the Alhambra?
Fast playing Cold War strategy game balancing tension and strength to avoid nuclear war.
Solitaire Game - Roll and Write
ACW Solo Postcard Wargame
Bundle with three narrative games with distinct proposals.
It is April 17, 1961 at Bay of Pigs, Cuba...
DEA’s FAST and narco-traffickers war over drug routes in the heart of Honduras.
Swiss Guard hold the courtyard of the Vatican so Clement VII can escape Imperial Forces of Charles V
Battle of Roncevaux
A tactical game of war in the Alps
Ants regularly attack termite mounds with termites usually fleeing for protection, but today the termites fight back!
Mouston, we have a problem
Soviet bombers have managed to unleash their salvos of deadly ship-killer missiles: will the carrier survive?