This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-07-01 07:00:00 to 2023-10-31 07:00:00. View results

Postcards from the Front - Cards is a Wargame Design Jam.


What will not be tolerated? 

Game components with symbols of hate. 

Games about genocide, slavery or human trafficking (examples).

Abusive behavior towards other members of the community or their designs.

This is a community centric Game Design Jam.  This is a Jam NOT a Contest.

Collaborations, sharing, community playtesting and feedback are all encouraged. 

Play nice with everyone. PERIOD.


Rules | Guidelines

Games must use cards, either custom made or a standard 52 card deck, or even Tarot card. Explore the card design space.

*** Note 55 card decks with or without a 11"x17" game board are idea to get published... just say'n

Game must be a Wargame. 

What is a wargame? That question has cause a few civil wars unto I will use a very loose interpretation of what is a Wargame. One of the goals of the Jam is to encourage exploring that boundary. 

Submission Limit : No Limit, if you have the time and energy, share all of your designs. 

To be clear. You can start designing now, or use an existing design. No need to wait till July 1st.

*** FREE GAMES ***

All playable games will be made available for FREE to the general public as PnP games, we will also make every effort to load your design on Table Top Simulator (TTS)

*** Game Promotion and Interviews ***

As the designer you will be invited as a guest on the Postcards from the Front Podcast, hosted on the Hissy Cat Studio YouTube Channel.


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Viking invasions of England
Card driven battles of hoplites played on the grid
Citizen soldier life during Lamian War
Card Wargame about WW1 air combat. Solo, 1v1.