I sat down to play this as I read through it for the first time and I think it's really neat. I never really got into any MMOs myself, but I am fascinated by digital spaces, especially "dead" ones and this game is a really cool encapsulation of that kind of thing. It does the cool solo rpg thing where very quickly all the numbers you roll start to form a narrative you can interpret. I do think the game has a pacing issue (as weird as it is to say about a solo rpg) cause it's front loaded with set up/world building/world generation, and that stuff is fun to do, but it feels like I spent most of my playtime and energy rolling a lot of dice for world gen and was kinda flagging when I got the less structured "doing stuff in the MMO" section. Really cool game, though. It's got fun tables and the value of that can never be overstated.