This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-06-15 23:00:00 to 2018-06-24 22:59:59. View 78 entries

#procjam is a jam about making generative software - computer programs that make things when you run them, like art, music, games, stories, wallpapers, recipes, poetry or anything else you can think of. It's an exciting, different way to be creative, and PROCJAM is here to help you get started, find friends, and have fun with it!

We're running a Kickstarter this month to fund new and exciting PROCJAM resources like a free downloadable Game Maker project! Help us out by backing or sharing if you can - find out more here.

Check out past PROCJAMs here on

Find tutorials, art packs, expert talks, zines and more on our site:

#procjam just has one rule: Make Something That Makes Something. You can enter a Twitterbot, a videogame, a dice table, an artwork, anything you can think of. Whatever you make, let us know what you're up to! Tweet with the hashtag #procjam and don't forget to submit your work to the jam using this page when you're done.

PROCJAM is for everyone. Here are some things you need to know:

  • You can start early, or finish late. Our jam dates are really just there to let you know when other people will be jamming, so you can make friends and see cool work. Some people can only work on weekends, some people can only take an evening here or there. Some people submit six weeks late, or ten days early. PROCJAM is here for you throughout the year - just tweet at us if you need a late submission code.
  • Your work belongs here. Don't worry if it's a game, or if it's "really art", or if it's "proper" procedural generation (that doesn't exist). We want to see what you've made, because it's inspiring, entertaining and motivating to see what people are doing!
  • Make something physical. We've had paper-and-pen entries before, so don't feel left out if you have a non-digital idea! will still accept the submission too - send us photographs or printouts!
  • Every entry has a place. Some people submit complex works of art that they needed decades of experience to create. Other people submit their very first procedural project here. Our community is friendly and welcoming, and we're excited to see everything that you make!

Earlier this year we asked people what they wanted from PROCJAM, and the number one answer was: more PROCJAM! So this year we're experimenting with a bonus Summer Jam. It's the same PROCJAM you know and love, but without all the extra bits like talks and videos (they'll be returning in November for our main event!)

We have amazing resources you can use that we've built up over the last four years, including:

Free art packs

Tutorials in English and Spanish

Our free zine, Seeds

Hours of free talks by experts

Our summer jam has some optional summer themes! If you want to get a theme, pick your favourite from the list above, or roll a dice to pick one randomly! You can also use this tool from

We also have a special optional challenge for people this year! It's perfect for people who are looking to do something a little more relaxed but still take part in PROCJAM. Sometimes jams can feel like they're all about working too hard and burning out. For this challenge, we're asking you to spend no more than one hour a day on your PROCJAM entry. A perfect way to do this is to make a Twitterbot with Cheap Bots Done Quick. You can get your bot up and running very quickly, and then gently add text to it throughout the week.

Whatever you make, however you make it, and whenever you finish it - please, please let us know and keep in touch. You can find our Discord details on our website, or post on Twitter with the #procjam hashtag! Happy generating!


All submissions
Browser playable (34)
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Procedurally generated photogenic creatures
Take a subway ride to Infinity
Procedurally generated Tarot-like cards
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Shoot your way through a thrilling action adventure of 60 levels while fighting against enemies and extreme bosses.
A mix of sokoban and puzzle game genres, made for procjam
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randomly generated homes
The Cell R Call is a game that allows you to create your own life.
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Explore twisted procedural dimensions
Explore an infinite universe and befriend aliens.
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You wake up in a new town. You wonder which town is it this time. [English]
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explore an overgrown museum
Procgen Quests In A Procgen World
generates cyberpunk corporations and logos, part of the upcoming Black Ice
The flood is coming...
A small project that procedurally generates trees.
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Ascii journey
VR procedural snowboarding using the Wii Balance board
Fills an arbitrary 3D shape with a bunch of other arbitrary 3D shapes in interesting ways.
Create a painting and be only partially in control
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3D Perlin noise landforms projected onto a globe
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A generator of short fictions via juxtaposition. ~3k words over 23 possible scenes.
Role Playing
procjam entry
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A Prototype of Procedural Generation Method
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Fit pieces together in a generated puzzle
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A small shmup where you can switch between a ship and robot form to fight enemies at will.
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#procjam generates a Timeline boardgame cards ready to Print & Play
Makes voxel based objects out of sprites
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[ProcJam] This is a simple procedural burger generator created during the ProcJam 2018. Enjoy your meal !
the game about solving with colors
A small game about fixing interfaces and solving puzzles.
A set of tools for making word generators.
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made during Procjam2018
Procedurally generated cave explorer
An attempt at space poetry.
Randomly generated cryptic story with multiple runs.
Bus, hitchhike and stowaway yourself across the Galaxy to get back to Earth in time for the Exodus Day celebrations!
Interactive Fiction
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Can we understand one things in terms of another?
Generate random fantasy RPG characters
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This is a shooter game, it's just a test I don't know if i will continue making this game
explore the world with your trusty wooden boat
A simple room generator
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Story Generator I made for summer procjam 2018
Slide down randomly generated waterslides, alone or race against your friends!
A strategy game where your units have emotions.
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Stay above the toxicity in this procedurally generated world.
Random sunsets, for procjam summer 2018
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A very simple 3D environment explorer game where you must find a given number of hidden treasures.
Text-based adventure game using procedural generation!
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A Twitter bot continuously posting text mode splatter and glitch art
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A vaguely alien generative landscape.
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Procedural Popsicle Producer - Created 4 ProcJam 2018
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*Ad Free* Find the exit to increasingly difficult procedurally generated levels.
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Defeat insane enemies with random generated ships.
Click the screen, get a good dog.
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For Procedural Jam 2018
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A Graph-Based Color Palette Generator
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Generate an occult, luxurious, ethereal boy
Interactive Fiction
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Procedurally shuffling Bullet-Hell weapon!
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A twitter bot that grabs random popular tweets and turns them into songs.
Interactive Twitterbots imitating characters from the Belgian children TV show "Samson & Gert".
Generate some voxelly sandcastles.
These words aren't real!
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Boxes generator I guess.
A simple bot tweeting ideas for simple games.
A bot for #PROCJAM that reports on news in your local fantasy setting every hour.
A twitterbot that tweets adventure time lines