Un proyecto de juego impulsado por push de Cezar Capacle y un primer intento de mi parte por hacer algo funcional/divertido. Amo a Dolina y a Nine, éste es un homenaje a ambos, gracias por tanto perdón por tan poco. No tengo ningún animo...
spiritbreaker is a solo tabletop roleplaying gamewhere you play as as a form of exorcist, armed with a box that holds spirits, your chosen equipment, and a power that makes you unique among those facing down the persistent dead. You will tr...
You are Hector Hafner, paranormal investigator. Or... at least... you control his body... most of the time. Push the Devil Away is a Push based game, part of the Push Jam , in which you play as an entity inside a paranormal investigator's b...
English: One day you woke up and were in this endless dungeon, running from room to room and trying to survive. Each room appears to be from a different time and place. Why have you been trapped here? Can you get out? Can you live peacefull...