This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-06-20 06:00:00 to 2021-06-22 08:00:00. View results

you have to make a game in 50 hour(s). Game must be a puzzle game with 50 levels!

And don't forget to check the theme in discord server
Server link:Discord server


That means you have to make a puzzle game where you are not alone. You must have more then one characters!

BTW if you want to make a characterless puzzle game, then it is allowed!
But you can't make a puzzle game with one character.

Rules are part of every competition. The following are the rules I would like you to obey. Submissions that break these rules might be removed.
1. Games must have 50 levels.
2. Game must have to be a puzzle game.
3. Games must be playable on Windows 10. I would like to be able to test your games on my Window 10 laptop. It is recommended that you make a version playable in a browser so Mac users can play it aswell. But a build for Windows is just as good.
4. Keep your game SFW. No NSFW (18+) content, offensive content, gore. This game jam should stay SFW.
5. Used assets must be credited. You are allowed to use pre-made assets, but if you decide to do so, you must properly credit the creators somewhere in the game.
6. No harassement. No racist, sextist or offensive content.
7. You may work in teams or solo. It's up to you.
There is't any prize. But you will get a role for you in Discord server!


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50 levels relaxing puzzle