This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-06-30 00:00:00 to 2024-07-14 00:00:00. View results

Bask in the warmth of creativity and let your imagination sizzle! The Pygame Community Game Jam returns this summer, bringing a heatwave of innovation and fun. Dive into the sunny side of game development, creating vibrant games that capture the essence of summer. Whether it's beachside adventures or cool evening escapades, your coding prowess and artistic flair are about to bring the hottest games to life!

Theme: 🌌 Interstellar 🌌

Rating Criteria

  • Theme Integrity:
    • How well does the game capture the spirit of the jam's theme? Higher scores go to games that creatively interpret the theme or use it in unexpected ways.
  • Artistry:
    • Does the game's audio and visuals create a compelling atmosphere or experience? This category considers the overall quality and effectiveness of the sound effects, music, and visuals, not necessarily technical perfection.
  • Innovation:
    • How fresh and unique are the game's core mechanics and ideas? This doesn't necessarily mean complex mechanics; even simple ideas can be innovative in their execution.
  • Polish:
    • How much attention to detail has been given to enhance the overall experience? This includes aspects like:
      • Programming details (physics, visual effects)
      • Graphic detail
      • Level design (count, size, detail)
      • User interface clarity
      • Presence of easter eggs
    • Games with bugs or rushed sections will receive lower scores in this category.
  • Engagement:
    • How well does the game hold your attention and make you want to keep playing? This considers factors like:
      • Fun factor and overall gameplay experience
      • Clear goals and mechanics
      • Difficulty curve that's both challenging and rewarding
      • Replayability or the desire to keep coming back for more


  • All submissions must be created between the start and end of the jam. Games that were started before the start of the jam will not be allowed. Post-jam versions of your game must be clearly marked as such.
  • Pre-existing engine/utility code can be reused for this jam. However, code specific for this jam must be created after the jam starts.
  • Pygame(-ce) must be the primary tool used for rendering and sound. Using things such as, e.g. modernGL for shaders or pyaudio for sound manipulation is allowed, but pygame must be used for the bulk of the work. This helps to keep things even between participants. (If possible, the pygame-ce fork of pygame should be used)
  • You MUST create all assets used in your entry during the jam. Asset generators are perfectly fine to use, but NO premade assets are allowed, even if you have the rights to them. This includes creative commons works (even CC0). Exceptions:
    • Things in the public domain that are over ~70 years old (e.g. classical music pieces, old paintings, etc) 
    • Fonts (which you must of course still have license to use).
    • Premade splash screens or logos
    • Pygame assets from exclusively.
    Every jam we have a bunch of entries that ignore this rule please don't ignore this rule.
  • Please be careful with delicate or controversial subject matter. Do not make games with NSFW/18+ content. If you are unsure whether you can include something in your entry, ask a member of staff on the Discord server.
  • Teams of 2+ are allowed for this jam. However no more than 2 Discord Nitro awards will be awarded per team.
  • Upon submitting your game you will be required to leave a link to your game's source code as well as the Discord #'s of all team members.
  • You are not allowed to have fun throughout the creation process. Any team caught enjoying the jam will be disqualified. /s


  • 3rd Place - 1 Month Discord Nitro Basic (Note that for those working in teams, only a maximum of 2 Nitros will be given out for a given entry)


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have fun detonating planets
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The title says it all!
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Alien Spaceship Massacre
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Find the constellations
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A excruciatingly barebones space trading game. Made for the 2024 Summer PyGame Jam.
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Repair the ship and head back to Earth on time!
A shooting game (Made for Pygame Community Summer Jam 2024)
A simple game based on circle collision and gravity physics.
WND Delta's Chronicle on PC.
An action space shooter made in one week.
Interstellar Space Shooter
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When the end of the world grows nigh, you have a paintball gun?
An arcade-ish shooter where you defend your ship from oncoming pirates.
It is a space ship game, going around collecting coins
Its lunchtime on Caturn, deliver the food!
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A constellation shape matching game for the Pygame Summer 2024 Game Jam
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Pygame Summer Game Jam
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A video game made for Pygame summer jam, made using a custom engine (you need to have pygame-ce installed).
Get back home from a deadly mission by repairing your spaceship!
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