This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-01-29 06:00:00 to 2021-02-05 06:00:00. View results

Ended | 12 Submissions

Winner: Runner Race


Life Isn't Fair.

Interpret this however you want - Is it better or worse for your character? - Is it the main part of the game or just a throwback mechanic? - All up to you!


Q: What Tools can I use to create my submission?

You can use any tools that suit you! 

Q: Do I follow a theme?

A theme will be announced when the jam starts. You should build your idea around said theme, but you can interpret it as you wish! Good luck!

Q: Can I work in a team?

Yes! Just make sure you worked out everything before you decide to work on a team. Good luck! 

Q: Do I own my game after the jam?

Any projects you submit are your property, so yes! This jam is to encourage you to make a game and share it. 

Q: Can I use an already begun project? 

Please do not use pre-made projects. Build game-infrastructure from scratch, otherwise, you aren't learning. 

Q: Can I use assets I've found online?

Yes. As long as they are public domain and are available. Please credit your sources as they could be of use to other developers. 

Q: Does my game have to be PG?

Please keep games PG and non-NSFW. 

Q: Is there a reward?

Currently, the quacky game jam does not provide rewards to participants. It could come in the future. The biggest reward is of course learning more and making friends



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Hard high Score game, Play on Browser or dawnload, Android, windows, Mac, Linux.
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Just A Normal Race
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Quacky Jam 2021! My first jam!
Life isn't far for Quacky, A duck allergic to water?!
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