I love what you did with the theme, this was a really enjoyable game!
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Entangoed's itch.io pageDescription of the game
Alice and Bob are looking for each other's love while dancing argentinian tango! You have to help them find each other by moving them both at the same time across the dance floor. How? They are entangled.
This means that they either move in the same or opposite direction, depending on the entanglement they share. As a quantum match-maker you can flip their entanglement type anytime. When you bring one Alice and one Bob together, a stable couple is formed and keeps dancing on the dance floor. So, you go on to bring another Alice and another Bob together.
But be careful with the stable couples! If you hit them too often, you might become unpopular and get kicked out of the dance floor!
Credits (names/nicks + roles)
- Mariana (idea, graphics, sound)
- Asier (idea, programmer, quantum)
- Shannon (advisor)
How is your game related to quantum physics?
The game is mostly a play on the similarity between the concept of entanglement and collective dance moves.
How is your game related to the theme? (Theme is (en)tangle ! )
The origin of the game is a wordplay: enTANGOed instead of enTANGLED. Tango is a partner dance where the movements of both leader and follower have to be very well synchronized. The dancers sometimes move in parallel, sometimes anti-parallel. This tight tango connection is reminiscent of entanglement, and the different types of collective movement reflect different types of correlations present in qubits. And yes, one might also say that dancers in a tango embraced are sort of tangled.
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