This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-03-02 02:30:00 to 2024-04-01 01:30:00. View 2 entries

Welcome to the first Quill & Calibur Creative Jam!

Quill & Calibur

Here's the excuse you've been looking for!

The goal of this jam is to provide designers, artists, programmers, sound engineers... really anyone an opportunity to focus on a goal for one month.  This goal can be any number of things, including, but not limited to:

  • Making a game in an engine you haven't used before/in a while
  • creating an animation suite for a character
  • working in Blender every night for the month to learn its tools
  • writing an AI system revolved around a single mechanic (taking cover, flying through rings, etc)
  • writing 100 words a day
  • Creating 1 sound effect a week.

At the end of the jam, I'd just like you to submit your projects and let us know if it's a new project you started this month, or an existing project you wanted to work on!

Due to recent submissions I'm going to add the following criteria and limitations:

  • The spirit of the jam is improving yourself and finally spending a month working on your creative goal.  Any content that is not in the spirit of the jam will be disqualified.
  • No Paid content. This jam is about spending the month working on skills, not advertising your for profit software. If you have a price tag on it, it will be disqualified, as it goes against the spirit of the jam.  If you want to monetize AFTER the jam, go ahead! But no paywalls during submission.
  • Any content submitted before the 20th will be subject to extra scrutiny. Again, the spirit of the jam is the month of work. Any submissions made too early are going to be subject to extra scrutiny as spam/bad faith submissions.

    Alright, the time has come!

    The theme of the jam is:



    - The act of rising or increasing state, degree, grade, status, or level

    - advancement

    - mounting or sloping upward

    - the act of rising to an important position

    - Christianity: the ascent of Jesus into heaven

    As previously stated, you do NOT need to use this theme if you don't want to, but if you want a starting point, this is the one to use!

    Join the jam's discord to join the other participants!

    In our discord, there we'll discuss ideas, give feedback, and just work in a chat so you have someone working alongside you!

    This is an UNRANKED jam, but we'll still highlight all of the amazing work we can.

    Lets do this!


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    New Project (2)

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    Raise Monsters to Defend Your Home!
    Interactive Fiction