This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-01-07 11:00:00 to 2018-01-14 11:00:00. View results
Hey Peeps!
It's that time again, get your team together and Create a game in the next 7 days.
The Theme for this week is "Getting Over It Inspired". Basically you need to create a game based on the concept of "Getting over it". A B-Game that involves difficult, yet achievable mechanics. Created with strange styled assets. 2D, 3D Text Based.... It's completely your choice. Even a voiceover involving your philosophy on rage games would be awesome.
Da Rules:
So those are the rules. If you have any questions you can visit the Discord Channel.
Hopefully the criteria favours every team member, but also caters to what makes "Getting Over It" a great game.
Enjoy the Jam everyone, look forward to some great submissions.
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