Pretty fun! Duck game vibes. Maybe adding a score or a win condition would be cool. I think the levels are cool and the quick pacing of the game feels nice.
oh and I agree with the comments about the controls, they feel a bit off. But you have read that so old news amirite.
One of the levels is a bit hard, (with the mountain in between), but cool mechanic and nicely made!
Thank you! I,,, see what you're talking about now, yeah - it's a bit too tall!
i like fish, had fun with friend with fish. Lots of fish! and somtimes in waal what is not so funn. fish in wall no good.
These fish are no friends
there is no place for mercy in this vicious, unforgiving fish-world
and yeah they learnt how to blj, will try to fix that!
Pretty fun! Duck game vibes. Maybe adding a score or a win condition would be cool. I think the levels are cool and the quick pacing of the game feels nice.
oh and I agree with the comments about the controls, they feel a bit off. But you have read that so old news amirite.
Thank you!
Currently you are just stuck until you start a new map, yeah - just starting a new map after one fish is left alongside a scoreboard could help!
and yep, the controls need some extra work, still very hip and cool news though
quite fun. UI could be put in better places. same goes for the buttons, i have to hold my arms in really weird places to control my fish.
other than that simple but fun concept.
I agree with the UI! hoping to add something like a healthbar alongside with the controls
And yeah, the controls could definitely be better - do you maybe know something that could be a bit more intuitive?