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natelander published a realis moon 5 days ago
A downloadable realis moon.
There’s a saying amongst the couriers of Estle’s Climb: “The Stairs always turn to where you need to be, never where you wanted to be.” Such is the Grand Design of the Estle Bureau of Architecture and its legion of designers and mat...
link stitch published a moon 6 days ago
A downloadable moon. it was first brought to us by her senses: countless pasts rendered lifeless in scratched swirls of fluid chrome; heaven-bound capillaries felled and cracked open upon the spines of mountains; crooked pages from book-lung'd barnacles...
asynchrony published a supplement 6 days ago
A downloadable supplement.
Two moons for Realis, themed around change, permanence, and the resilience of nature and humanity. Both moons are unstable ground. They change around players, just as players change and are changed by them. Lush with detail and potential, t...
absolutcalm published a game 7 days ago
A downloadable game.
Verdant Morass: From the stellar heights, the moon of Verdant Morass is a bitter lemon green pearl swirled with emerald highlights and the flashes of yellow storms wandering the upper atmosphere. But from the streets and narrow alleys of th...
BenTGaidin published a game 7 days ago
A downloadable game.
CADERSAIN: A MOON SLOWLY DROWNING One of the 1000 Moons of Realis An entry for the Realis Moon Jam 2025 Cadersain is an ecologically doomed Moon, slowly drowning under an encroaching ocean. Now with NPC classes for extended stays. :) Inspir...
Vanderlyle published a moon 7 days ago
A downloadable moon.
There are many treasure-seekers across the Thousand Moons; enterprising Runners, unscrupulous Esoterics, swashbuckling Duelists, all these and more traverse the moons in search of adventure and bountiful riches. Most of them do not dare app...
Fireblend published a game supplement 7 days ago
A downloadable game supplement.
A Jam Moon for the Moon Jam. No syzygist is ever disappointed when, amongst the spheres they follow, this gleaming, lightly pink-ish orb enters their awareness, for it's a well known augur of gustatory delight. Counts, dukes, barons and ear...
SiFSweetman published a game supplement 8 days ago
A downloadable game supplement.
Tyde, The Endless Day is a moon built for Realis built to place your players into a time loop, as they attempt to break to the cycle that entraps its residents reliving the same autumn day. Released for the Realis Moon Jam .
Bakure published a moon 8 days ago
A downloadable moon.
Long may the Suzerain Telemachus Leo X reign, He Who The Elements Call Master. Isu Monloa, The Mecha Academy Moon, is one of the 1000 moons of Realis. It is where hearts and wills of the young collide in the Suzerain's name, forged in mecha...
Sascha Moros published a Moon 13 days ago
A downloadable Moon.
Once remarkable only for just how small it was, Melleal has made quite the change for itself. A century ago, trees with trunks larger then Orphan Vessels have broken through it’s surface. Today, that very surface exists only in the eyes o...