This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-03-31 18:30:00 to 2022-04-10 18:30:00. View 14 entries


Welcome to Respawn Game Jam 2022 hosted collaboratively by IITG, IITK and IITKGP! 

This is a 10-day long event in which you have a make a complete Game from scratch.  There are no restrictions on what and how you create. We've given you a list of some tools below but take them as suggestions only. What you do is completely up to you.

The focus should be to create a simple, playable game that works well. You'll learn a ton of new stuff in the process. Planning would be crucial!

Once you have created your teams, fill in this google form.

The Best projects from this game jam will be highlighted on our Facebook page, our Instagram and our LinkedIn


The theme of the jam is "What you eat is What you make". You can interpret the theme however you want and the game should be based on it.


  • You can participate solo or in teams with up to 4 members. The participation is not restricted and you can team up with anyone you want.

  • Your itch page should have instructions to run your game, link to your code repository and any other information that you want to give us. We will not judge the page, but this is where the world will see your game, so make it pretty and give it some personality!

  • Your repository should contain a license and a readme. Anything that you haven't created yourself must be mentioned in the readme. You should also have at least one commit on Github by 10th April 11:59 PM.

  • NSFW content must be appropriately marked on the itch page.


There are cash prizes worth Rs. 15000 (~196$), which shall be given to the teams that shall make the best games of the jam. Further details will be reveal soon.

Judging Criteria

You all will be judging each other's games during the Voting Period which will run till 15th of April. The criteria for voting will be:

  • Gameplay Systems: This is the meat of your game and consists of how good your gameplay is. Your game should be fun and we should be able to complete a normal playthrough with no crashes. Focus on getting simpler systems right rather than going for complex but buggy systems.

  • Concept and Design: This is your idea, the story and how well you plan your game to help complement those gameplay systems. If you're giving your player a double jump ability, your level should be created keeping that in mind. Focus on creating an immersive experience where everything has a purpose.

  • Sound and Art: Whatever you see or hear in the game. From sounds used for footsteps to the color of that crate in your level. Your art and sounds should complement the concept of the game.

  • Innovation: Sure you may create just another pong, but we're more interested in seeing what you can do with it. Innovation could be you interpreting a classic and adding your own twist to it, or creating something entirely new. You do NOT need to have a grand original million dollar idea. Simple innovations can have a great impact.


The workshop series is totally free, and will teach concepts of Unity, Programming, 2d and 3d Art as well as certain advanced aspects of game development, to help you make a game that tops the leaderboard. It is especially useful for beginners, learning game development and making their first game. The workshop series starts from 28th March on our youtube channel.


Here is the server invite:

Take part in amazing discussions on game development and game design.
Ask your doubts so you aren't stuck anywhere while making your game. 
Find teammates for your jam, in #find-the-team channel.
Become a part of the game dev community of India.

Extra Resources

Though our workshops will mainly cover Unity Game Engine, these are the further resources you can check out! 
We recommend Unity Game Engine for beginners.

Engines and Frameworks

Unreal | Unity | Godot | GDevelop | Phaser | pygame | Scratch

Graphics and Art

GIMP | Blender


Audacity | ZapSplat | bfxr


All submissions
Browser playable (2)
Windows (10)
Linux (1)

No submissions match your filter

Warring factions are fighting over space territory. You're an alien trying to find a nice meal during all this.
Play in browser
A short rogue-like where you eat fruits to gain new abilities!
a 1vs4 multiplayer fruit prop hunt game mixed with classic survival
Stress Reliever Endless Runner
maze game with some action
gamejam submission
A card game where you eat to evolve!
Card Game
Play in browser
The classic tetris experience, but someone is hungry.
Made for ReSpawn Game Jam