This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-12-15 00:00:00 to 2022-01-01 00:00:00. View results


Submissions open from December 14th 2021 at 00:00 UTC to December 31st 2021 at 00:00 UTC. Voting on submissions will end January 10th, 2022


Submissions may be from solo participants or by teams.
Art assets can be self-made for extra points, but may use already created assets.
Music should be self-made, but may use already created loops, melodies, or rhythms.
Submissions must adhere to the theme.
Submissions should be playable in browser. All participants are expected to upload a playable version of their game. No submissions will be possible after the jam ends.
Allowed and recommended to be inspired from classic games.
Follow Proper Licensing. All uploads (code, assets, executables, etc.) will be shared and licensed by ChainCade. Submissions containing privately licensed work will be disqualified. You must share any code and assets used for creating the game that you are legally allowed to share without breaking any other legal agreements. Don’t share any code belonging to your employer or anyone else other than yourself, or upload anything that is under NDA or other legal constraint. Anything you create will remain your property within the terms of our licensing agreement after the jam is done.
Respect the Ideals of the Competition and Fellow Competitors. This is about working together and having fun. This jam isn’t just about making games, let’s make some new friends, learn some new things, and most important, have fun along the way!

Ranking & Judging Parameters

Join the #Game-Jam Channel on the ChainCade discord to find teammates, share ideas, and get feedback!

We’re offering up over $5,000 & more in prizes for this jam. When we have a full list of participants, we’ll announce the tier structure for top performers. The winning game team will also win themselves the chance to be the first outside development team to have a game published on the ChainCade platform! The winning artist will have the chance to have their work minted as an Arcade Edition NFT!

Game Jam Rewards

#1 $1000
#2 $800
#3 $500
#4 $300
#5 $150
#6,7,8,9,10 — $50 each
All valid submissions will receive a 1 Billion ChainCade token reward.


All submissions
Browser playable (11)

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Hack doors, destroy documents - save the world!
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Use your sketchbook to create some chain reactions!
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An arcade Bullethell game made for the 2 weeks Chaincade Game Jam
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blockchain rpg
Role Playing
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Ride till end or The End.
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build a chain of balls
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Make money, stay in business and don't get bankrupted!
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a silly clicker game
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