This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-04-10 23:00:00 to 2022-05-02 03:59:00. View results

Start exploring and defining concepts for Rosett! While similar to the Theme Jam, the Concept Jam is focused on exploring Art/Music/Writing that's more directly tied-to the provided source material!

For example, if the Theme Jam was focused more on the building the world of Rosett, the Concept Jam is focused on:

  • Art - Direct world assets, character/creature designs, item/game-play element designs, etc.
  • Music - Tracks and sound effects directly tied to narrative sections or game-play mechanics
  • Writing - Writing explorations focused directly on the core narrative or the back-stories of set characters, can be in script format

Tracks: Art / Music / Writing

  • Art - Submit a JPG or PNG of concept-art relating to Rosett
  • Music - Submit a MP3 of music/sound-effects relating to Rosett
  • Writing - Submit a PDF of written text/lore/dialogue relating to Rosett

Rosett Concept Jam - Track Info.doc


  • $25 & Place in Rosett Workshop
  • $10 & Place in Rosett Workshop
  • Place in Rosett Workshop


  1. DVNC will take ownership of any work submitted
  2. DVNC will offer pay before integrating submitted work into Rosett


Summary Info 

Theme: Transformation 

Metaphysical Themes: Romance, Hope, Tragedy, Betrayal, Nature, Compassion 

Motifs: Roses, Neon Glow, Alive/Dead Trees/Grass, Thorns, Shadows 

Narrative Goal: Diversity, You're Not Alone 

Narrative Background: A young-ish wanna-be hero will learn what real legends have, something or someone to protect, as they're forced deeper into a demonic forest only to find romance, friends, and a new way into the future

Random Info

Core Loop: Player finds Followers -> Followers Unlock/Kill/Support -> Beat Enemies -> Collect Manites -> Upgrade followers -> Explore/Kill

Follower Types: Core - Slasher, Shooter, Manige, Prophet Slasher - Melee Tank Shooter - Physical High Ranged DPS Manige - Manite High Ranged DPS Manitech - Physical Support DPS Prophet - Physical Buff Support Cultist - Debuff Support Enchanter - Crowd Control Researcher - Manite Buff Support


Manites - mana-electricity-like-energy Manitechtechnology combining hardware and manites (bio-matter can be combined also however this is illegal in the The First Capital) The First Capital - city where core story takes place, neo-medieval city combining classic gaming fantasy with dystopian sci-fi

Story Overview

Romeo Dusk - Main Protagonist - A, eighteen-year-old resident of The Downers in The First Capital. He helps his grandmother by selling manitech: tools made from plant-matter, manites [mana-electricity-like-energy], and hardware. The Dusk's shop focuses on selling manitech flowers to help other Downers. While skilled in what he’s been doing for years now, Romeo’s true desire lies in breaking free from The Downer District’s walls and becoming a hero – inspired by the ones that saved their world from an ancient threat and brought the worlds together. However, he can’t seem to understand his own motives. Why do heroes risk getting hurt? How do they find bravery? What makes heroes risk their lives and fight against life-threatening dangers? ? The Downers had shaped Romeo to keep to himself and not trust most. That and his grandmother, who adamantly believed they should stick to their business of growing flowers and making the land “greener.” But he wants more.

Prince Julian Dawn - Main Protagonist - A twenty-year-old prince of The Uppers in the First Capital. Heir to the throne, Prince Julian hails from a magical lineage that links them to the heroes that saved their worlds years ago: bearing a responsibility to showcase the might of their lineage as Prince, and soon King. Only that they possess not even a spell of magical power. For years they've not even made an appearance to The First Capital's people, shunned even by their own family and the King himself. While only able to command magic through special gloves crafted by manites, most royalty see Julian only as a defect for having to rely on manitech. On the cusp of now being sent away; Julian flees to search for something they've never felt. Something that may help them, or at least fill their empty void. The feeling of being loved, a power that’s said to lie in the Lilacia – a flower they seek.

Grandma Finna - Main Protagonist - Owner of The Rosett Flower Shop, Finna is known to all her customers in The First Capital for her loving and free-spirited attitude. With the mission and dream of turning The First Capital's Downers Sector greener, she hopes to change the land’s fate one flower at a time – starting with her flower manitech shop. A genius in botany and technology, Finna was once even granted residency in The Uppers for her work in soil treatment to help grow "regular" flowers. But The Downers were her home, and where else would her work thrive better if not near her roots? Seeing Romeo grow up motivates her to find ways to cleanse the land even further. As Romeo's matured her interest in combining manites with bio-matter has blossomed...

King Dawn - Supporting Characters - King of The First Capital, master manigician, and Julian's dad. With his wife passing away just after Julian’s birth, he’s had to raise Julian on his own while keeping his son’s magic defect a secret that doesn’t go beyond The Upper Walls. With the strain of Julian’s predicament alongside his responsibilities as King, the distance between him and his son has continued to widen; father and son barely even meeting unless it’s to assess Julian’s training. With Julian now being sent to train in a different capital, most nobility believe King Dawn’s actions come from shame towards his son, but they've stemmed from more than that. They were the actions of a parent simply wanting to protect their child – or so he's told himself.

The World of Rosett

In Rosett's past, a world made up of only one race of beings advanced in science merged with a magic world filled with diverse races. Their vast cultural and ethical differences led to a war for dominance. Both sides wanted to lead this combined world using the new power of Manites, limitless magical energy formed from the convergence of the worlds. This global war lasted for numberable years until one that called themself, "The Demon Lord" appeared. 

From The Demon Lord's perspective both sides were fighting over a resource that could lead to a revolution. Using specially made manitechnology, hardware able to control manites, The Demon Lord was able to create a demonic army which they used to start a new war. This time however it was the world versus demons.  

The Demon Lord with their advanced manitechnology nearly became the sole ruler over the new world, however, heroic parties from both the magic and science worlds were formed to combat the demonic army. Many brave souls were lost and winning seemed impossible until two party of heroes one from the world of science and one from the world of magic joined forces. This new group of heroes and their descendants were able to rally both sides to direct their efforts towards The Demon Lord. 

Rosett takes place many years after the end of The Demon Lord's rampage, in The First Capital.  Originally built by the first heroes to combine technologies and techniques from the merged worlds, The First Capital has become a symbol of scientific innovation and magical wonder. 

The First Capital holds two sectors: The Uppers and The Downers.:

The Uppers are made of first-class families, wealthy individuals, and powerful manigicians. It’s in this sector where The First Capital’s royal family also resides – The Dawns. Entry to this sector is restricted to non-residents unless someone has obtained special permission from a resident. Powerful manitech and resources are found in the Uppers, as well as professionals well-versed in manitech creation.

The Downers sector is larger compared to The Uppers due its population size. The Downers is comprised of people from many backgrounds and was once known as a place for discovering unique manitech. Now the easy access of the sector has made it a hub for suspicious dealings giving the sector a more and more unappealing view to the Uppers. As discrimination from The Uppers has grown so have the gaps in wealth, power, and freedom.  Despite this divide both sectors of The First Capital hold their own treasure crafted by the minds and talent of the people.


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Romeo's Theme, Julian's Theme, Death/Game Over Theme, Level Complete/Score Theme
Lore & quest concept about a famed hero of old and her greatest adversary
Various sfxs recorded and created.
​A character design submission to Rosett!
Item/material concept with art.
A series of short sidequests where Romeo and Julian encounter two new factions.