This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-03-15 04:00:00 to 2023-05-15 04:00:00. View results

Hello again, creators, and welcome to another rendition of RPG Mania!

RPGs like Final Fantasy, Earthbound and Chrono Trigger have stood the test of time. With sprawling worlds, unique characters and epic tales of world-ending cataclysm, this genre has always opened up so many possibilities for fantastic story-telling and intuitive gameplay.

My challenge once again to all of you is to work alone or find a team (bring your friends, the more the merrier!) and create an RPG during the jam period. You can use any game engine that you have at your disposal (Unity, Unreal, Godot, RPG Maker, etc.) and the style can be whatever you choose, be it 2D, pixel art, 3D - the world is yours to design.

This jam will last for two months, with a two week voting period taking place after the submission period ends. The rules have remained essentially the same as the last jam. If you have any questions, feel free to message one of the admins on our Discord.


- If you've been working on a jam submission for previous iterations of RPG Mania, you are free to continue those and submit them for this one! So whether you want to start fresh or polish up what you have, shoot for the stars! Any original assets must be created during RPG Mania, but you can do as much pre-production and concepting as you want outside of the jam period. You can also use any assets that are available to the public or that you have proper licensing for.

- Submissions must be done specifically for RPG Mania. You can participate in more than one game for this jam if you wish, but if you submit your game to multiple jams it will be disqualified/removed.

- All game submissions must be free to download and play until after the voting period is over. After the voting period is finished, you are free to do what you want with your game.

- As a guideline, final submissions should ideally feature an introduction to the main characters of the game and a general idea of the game's direction, but by no means does your submission need to be complete. You can make a game with a battle system as robust or limited as you wish, or solely focus on narrative. The choice is yours! If you're unsure if your jam entry would qualify, you can message an admin in Discord and we will be glad to clarify.

The optional theme for RPG Mania IV is TWO WORLDS.

Join our Discord server and find a team today!


All submissions
Browser playable (1)
Windows (6)
macOS (1)
Linux (2)

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A small taste of an ongoing developing project
Construct a labyrinthe castle of towers and walls to withstand the onslaught!
Play in browser
A submission for RPG Mania IV inspired by Pokemon.
Role Playing
A game about altruism and umbrellas