This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-02-15 08:00:00 to 2024-03-15 06:59:59. View 1 entry

Just for fun, let's break out those free copies of RPGMaker XP (VX/Ace/MV/MZ/Whatever) we've got from various events and make ourselves a short game in RPGMaker!

We start production on the 15th of February, RPGMaker Festival 2024, and submit something by the 22nd, the last second of February 29th at the latest. UPDATE: Since I spent a week flat on my back in the hospital and needed to give myself more time, I'm extending the benefit to you; you now have until the last second of March 14th!

It doesn't have to be an RPG - there are a lot of great adventure and horror games in RPGMaker - but it has to use RPGMaker.

There's no judgement and no prizes beyond having made a game, but let's also try to do something new (make our own pixel art?  bespoke music?) and review each other's games when we're done!

Above all, this is for fun and to flex creative muscles.  Here's to making RPGMaker Fest our own!


- Talia, Game Jam "Organizer"


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The adventure of a young hound who must discover the truth