This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-06-24 05:00:00 to 2022-07-30 04:00:00. View results

The year is 1998 - the height of PC gaming in retail.

With all the retro aesthetics in the indie game space, there is one in specific that has been missing: The Windows 98 computer games of the golden era of Real-Time Strategy. Join us to relive (or revive) and make games inspired by low-poly, top down pixel art, and pre-rendered isometric style classic RTS games from the early to late 90s. Games that look like they would've ran on your old clunky PC without much graphics acceleration, 800x600 on a CRT monitor, dirty mouse ball, sticky keyboards, and your mom picking up the phone disconnecting you from an intense battle for intergalactic domination.

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RTS Examples: Starcraft, Age of Empires series, C&C, Red Alert, Star Trek Armada, Homeworld

Jam Purpose and Expectations Summary:

  • Create an RTS game reminiscent of the golden era 1995-2005 RTS games.
  • Top 100 games will receive a $1 dollar donation (from me the creator of the jam!), this is to encourage you to keep making awesome games and to legitimize those who need it the most as tested RTS game devs!
  • Games are expected to be finished fully playable products, ready to be sold on the metaphorical store shelves of the late 90s. They don't need to be 10 hours campaigns, just enough to play from start to finish (example: 15 mins to an hour would be nice, any other length is ok too!). For more rules read down below.


  • Basic requirements for what qualifies as RTS are as follows:
    • Needs to be able to select 1 or more units (of at least 1 unit type) and issue orders such as move, attack, or defend.
    • Needs to be able to construct at minimum 1 structure type (at least place down a flag, turret, or mine. doesn't have to be a solid structure, just immovable one, control points also meets this requirement).
    • Needs a victory condition for each map.
    • Needs at least 1 type of spendable/mineable resource. The definition of mining is loose here, either a resource that can be gathered by a unit or a passive accumulation of points on a controlled spot is an example of this resource. Supreme Commander is an example.
    • The game must be real time, turn based is not allowed, unless it is in the overworld as a secondary mechanic, as long as there is another phase of the game that is real time.
    • Examples of possible sub-genres:
      • Real-Time Tactic: Dawn of War, Company of Heroes
      • Real-time 4X: Stellaris,  Sins of a Solar Empire
      • Macro RTS: Planetary Annihilation, Ashes of the Singularity
      • God games: Populous 3
    • Minimum of 1 playable map, either skirmish, scenario, or campaign is fine.
  • Additional requirements
    • The game in general needs to be made within the span of the game jam. Pre made assets are allowed, snippets of code from past projects are ok too. Continuing an existing project is not allowed.
    • A game submitted to more than one jam will be subject to review and will be removed if deemed unfit for the jam.
    • All libraries and game engines are allowed.
    • The game must be uploaded as a free game. A paid or commercial version after voting finishes is allowed.
    • Multiplayer is not required.

Submission Guidelines:

Games will need to be submitted before or on the submission end date. Then there will be a 48 hour freeze on uploads. After which, minor bug fixes are allowed if they are game breaking or cause unintended balance issues. We ask that you leave the original jam deadline uploaded build untouched.

Also don't make offensive or NSFW content. Be cool about your submissions.

Final reminders:

The time provided on this jam is lengthy for the sole reason that developers should do planning before the jam starts and spend a healthy amount of time per day working on projects and taking multiple breaks during the submission window. Avoid burnout, practice good mental hygiene, and keep a narrow scope on your project. There is no rush to get the biggest game you've ever made out the door. Take it easy, enjoy the things you make, and play lots of your own and others' games. 


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Real time strategy
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Google maps crossed with Civilization and Supreme Commander
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Submission for the RTS 98 Jam!
Expand your robotic empire by growing your energy pipeline.
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A game for RTSJAM1998
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