This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-08-21 16:00:00 to 2021-08-28 16:00:00. View results

Welcome to the first unofficial Rust programming language game jam! Rust allows developers to build safe, efficient, and reliable software, especially when it comes to game development. You can learn more about the Rust ecosystem for game development at arewegameyet.

This jam focuses more on using Rust than anything else. That means you aren't restricted on your design, music, or graphics, as long as you use Rust to make it! However, there is a theme to follow, and some modifiers to try if you like.


The theme for the jam is Illusion of Security.


  • All of your code must be written only in Rust, or use Rust crates/frameworks/tools.
  • Your submissions must include an open-source license.
  • No NSFW submissions
  • When communicating in any Rusty Jam social areas (submissions, Discord, or otherwise), you MUST follow the Hacker Code of Conduct


On top of the rules, you can choose to work within any of the modifiers that you like:

  1. Keeping it safe - Don't use any unsafe Rust (it's OK if subcrates do though)
  2. What's the standard library? - Your final binary needs to be less than 5 MB (you can still use the std!)
  3. ??? - Don't have any text in your game
  4. Connected - Include some type of network functionality
  5. It's moddable - Give support for mods in your game
  6. Scripting for the win - Make use of the Mun scripting language
  7. Bring it home - Include Ferris somewhere in your game


  • Week[-1]: Form your team and meet others on the Discord server.
  • Jam week: The theme is announced, and submissions open.
  • Week[+1]: Submissions are over, and public voting will take place.


join our discord server!

Attributes and credits


All submissions
Browser playable (5)
Windows (10)
macOS (2)
Linux (6)
Android (1)

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Demo using rust / shipyard / macroquad
Play in browser
The power of imagination
Run in browser
Made for Rusty Jam 2021!
Don't fly away!
Survive. It's the only thing you can do.
Magical Stealth Game
Frogs and shadows in an adventure RPG
A multiplayer tower defense game
Beware of mines!
Play in browser
Sneak into a movie with your friends!
Play in browser
A small game for the rusty game jam 2021
With perfect foresight, surely you're unkillable?
A typical 2d platformer. You should feel safe playing.
click all the buttons to reach security !
Play in browser
Short experimental jump and run