This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-10-22 23:00:00 to 2023-10-26 23:00:00. View results

Welcome to Ryan Laley Games Fall Jam 2023! 

What is a Games Jam?

You will have a specified set amount of time to create a playable demo based on a specific theme which will be announced at the start of the jam. After submissions have ended you will be able to play and vote for other submissions.

Subscribe to Ryan Laley Games on YouTube to start learning how to make games and help you complete this competition.

Why should I do it?

A Games Jam is an excellent and fun challenge to test your skills, but to sweeten the pot further the winner at the end will be awarded a $300 USD cash prize!

What is the theme?

The theme will be announced at the start of the Jam on

What are the rules?

  • Games are to be made only in Unreal Engine (any version)
  • You can use any graphical assets you may already have; either made by yourself or another.
  • You can work solo or as part of a team.
  • Submissions must be kept PG, no hanky-panky or other rude content.

How will the winner be chosen?

Every person who submits a playable demo will be able to play and cast their vote on other people's entry. This will be coupled with the judge's voting to determine a winner. Demos will be played on the live stream following the Game Jam.  We are looking for:

  • How well the submission meets the theme.
  • The quality of the gameplay/level design.
  • How enjoyable the submission is.

The winner will be chosen and contacted by Ryan to award the prize.


All submissions
Windows (19)
macOS (1)
Linux (1)
Android (1)

No submissions match your filter

For all your legit plumbing needs!
Interactive Fiction
Unleash telekinetic power to escape a dark prison and uncover secrets.
Hunt down the villagers, claim your victims. Kill or avoid those that hunt the Monsters of the Night.
The Nightmare Begins
You Are the Monster of DEATH ITSELF
Hunt prey as a monster of the night
Don't give peace to the farmers
Hunt and watch out for traps
Play as an executive tasked with firing a great employee
Embark on a monstrous adventure, defend cursed treasures from pirates!
It's a monster of a party.
'You are the Monster' game jam submission. Little adventure of a furious goblin
It is you, your territory, your cold. Survive...
This is a demo of a game where you'll be able to controll a young ghost for a month.
Graveyard Survival
Explore a space station as a creature of smoke and shadow
It's time to rid the world of the remaining humans.
Happy Chunks are happy lumps!
Find a humans and eat them!
Game made during and for the Ryan laley games fall jam 2023
Monster, Hide and Seek, Third Person, Stealth.