A initially confusing if fun experience!
Graphically the game has a very fun aesthetic which is kept consistently high quality throughout the experience. The Music and sound effects are likewise fun and fit very well together.
My main critique is that you guys have a pretty poor explanation and marketing of your game.
From your Itch.io page, I get absolutely no impression of what the game looks like or how it plays, you haven't included any screen shots and your description is very short.
You have a controls section in the game but you don't actually have a explanation of how to play the game. It took me 3 tries to know that I was supposed to stand in the circle.
What makes it even sadder is that you guys have a really fun game! With some polish and extra mechanics I would genuinely love to play this with some friends (after the pandemic of course!) but you have to be able to market and explain it properly.
Make a nicer itch.io page, add some more instructions and add some more mechanics and you would have a great local multiplayer game!
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