This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-08-30 23:00:00 to 2019-09-08 22:59:59. View results


As voted by the community, this year's modifier is retro. As always, you can choose to interpret this modifier however you want. Whether it's 8-bit, 64-bit, or a game about retrofitting, you can make of it what you will. Just remember that the use of the modifier is one of the voting categories. Good luck!

'So bad it's good' Jam 2019 - Third time's the charm?:

It's back, and it's worse than ever!

Your aim, as before, is to make a game that is 'So bad it's good'. The type of game which is by no means 'good', 'well-made' or 'polished', but has a unique charm to it. Make a game that doesn't need to be perfect, that doesn't need to be extravagant, but is jank to the point where it becomes enjoyable. 

Unsure what to do? View our 2018 Jam and our 2017 Jam.
The Criteria:

There are a few (loose) rules that may help you to get started

  • Rule 1: "It has to be fun to play" 

- This is arguably the hardest category to get right. There is a sweet spot with these types of games. Games that are unplayable, or mediocre to the point of boredom, are not fun. In order to make a true SBIG game, there has to be a level of enjoyment. With that said, it is up to you exactly how you choose to achieve this.

  • Rule 2: "It can be original or based off an existing IP"

- You can be as original or shamelessly unoriginal as you want. Just don't use any trademarked or copyrighted material. If you want to do an existing IP, at least think of a funny name for it. See Super Catch'Dem Munsters or Spinster Walkboy  for inspiration. 

  • Rule 3: "Use whatever engine, whatever genre, however many people"

- Just go nuts. If you want to make your game in Unity, Gamemaker, Unreal, Construct, do it. Hell, if you want to make a game for your TI-84 calculator, there's nothing stopping you.  Use what you feel most comfortable with, or try something new, and see how it turns out. The only way you could fail is by not releasing a game at all.


For this year's jam, as with last year's, there will be a modifier. The modifier is a special theme or item that could be added for extra points. For example, last years modifier was "Cyberpunk".  Currently, the modifier is unannounced, but it will be unveiled 2 days before the jam starts. You can use the modifier, choose to ignore it, or choose to interpret (or misinterpret) the modifier how you want. You do you.

You can vote for the modifier on the discord server, and in the end, it is chosen out of the suggestions you make.

Changes since last year:

Each year, the terms are slightly different. The main difference this year is the jam now runs for 2 weekends. This means that you have 9 days to make your game. This decision was made after a survey at the end of last year's jam asking for a bit of extra time, and also due to the fact that the jam is slightly later this year, so contestants can still make a game if they are not on holiday time.


Also, the voting system will be slightly different. Games will be judged on individual categories: 

  • Graphics
  • Sound
  • Gameplay
  • Overall Bad
  • Overall Good
  • Modifier

Remember, the individual categories will be judged on whether they are so bad it's good. The voting isn't a measure of quality, but a measure of how well they fit the brief of the jam.

The top winners will have their games included in a "Best of the Worst" compilation, and the overall winner can choose whether the bundle is free or paid, and if so, what charity the proceeds will be sent to. 2017's compilation can be found here, and 2018's compilation can be found here.


If you want to form a team, we have a Crowdforge page in which you can meet new people.

We also have a Discord server, where you can see the latest updates, and vote on the modifier: 

And that is all, Good luck everyone!


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A noire detective adventure with cutting-edge 64-bit graphics
A game jam submission
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Made for the "So Bad It's Good" Jam 2019
Touch cubes, destroy them & win. 3d ball game 2019
Defend the beach like it's 2000!
A emulator for the 1990 handheld console "GameChild"
a Good Omens fangame
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A generic typing game
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Retro FPS throwback to Duke Nukem and Strife
Ever wanted to reexperience the feeling of dissapointment you had when you got your 99999in1 cartridge?
A colorful decision-based shooter
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