jump around the city and collect points. good to play while listening to music. ATTENTION: please enter a name when entering the game, it will show in leaderboard.
In the medieval west there are only two rules.... Take out your own trash, and pay the tax man. Take money you didn't work for, help out with small tasks, and be a nuisance to your community! Get to know the peasants you take money from in...
It is recommended that you play this on a mobile/touchscreen device (Device and browser must support WebGL2.0). Though mouse control can be used for extra difficulty. The game has been tested on android devices, simply open this website on...
The King and Queen are having one of their never ending parties again. It's up to you to collect from the peasants to fund their unending fun. The longer the party, the more likely you are to keep your head. How to play: Click the peasants...
all songs and sounds are from royalty free sources cig_extinguish:Pixabay(pixabay: https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/cig-extinguish-89851/ ) Stranger things: Music_Unlimited (pixabay) Spooky Music Theme: TheoJT (pixabay) air zoom vacuum: mi...
scorejam26 A, D moves left and right, Space bar to drop the ball. Scores get tracked on Lootlocker Settings page does nothing. repo here - https://github.com/Fwang36/scoreJamPachinko
use X or Z and Arrow Keys to select in menu Z to swap to blocks | X to destroy blocks | escape to leave SWAP - Samuel Cook Music - Laboratory X Sound Effects - Kenny Scoreboard - Loot Locker Original Soundtrack by Laboratory X: This is the...
You've been selected to be Death's next intern. Be honored! With your skills, your job is to accomplish people's last desire so they can go peacefully to the afterlife and collect their soul. Luckily, Death's office is furnished with all th...