I really liked the aesthetics of this game as well as the fact you can customise your ship! I also liked the text showing the powering up of your ship!
However, I think that there should be a higher chance of meteors spawning closer together as it was quite rare to have a x3 multiplier. Also, you should maybe add a tutorial to the game instead of a quite long instruction manual, however you only have 72 hours so I totally get why you wouldn't have been able to add something like that!
I also think that the time limit feature is a really cool mechanic that you could adapt by maybe having it so it only goes down when your moving to add a bit more strategy to the game rather than panicking about having to quickly fire your ship before it reaches 0!
Overall, I thought that this was a really fun jam entry with a really cool concept! I can definitely see me playing this again sometime in the future!
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