This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-05-01 05:00:00 to 2023-07-01 05:00:00. View results


ScrambleJam is a game jam with a twist. Participants will suggest prompts, themes, limitations, and then each of those will be given (at random) to the other participants. In short, you'll have to create a game using the suggestions by your rivals! 



  • You'll have a period of 2 months to make and submit your creations
  • Submitters will play and rank the Community Choice winner, and I will pick a Judge's Choice winner - voting lasting for 2 weeks
  • Games that have graphic or NSFW themes must be labeled and have trigger warnings 
  • Games with hate content towards groups of people will be automatically disqualified
  • Beginners are more than welcome!
  • Teams are also more than welcome, but only the lead that submitted will receive the prize to split among the team
  • Please only join ONE team
  • Any engine may be used, 2d or 3d, and outside resources may be used too provided you credit properly
  • ALL entrants MUST submit themes and prompts for use in the jam via community thread or discord
  • More rules may be added at judge discretion 


There will be 2 prizes for each ScrambleJam, one for the top ranked by the other submitters, and one for the top ranked by the judge.


Community Choice game is a game that is voted as the best ScrambleJam entry by other jam entrants. Creativity, how well themes and prompts were used, enjoyability and polish will be factors voted on. The prize for Community Choice winner is 50$ (paid out to any venue that can receive PayPal payment)


Judge's Choice works exactly like Community Choice with the difference being that I, the judge, will rank based on the same criteria. If my top choice aligns with the Community Choice, that game will get both prizes. The Prize for Judge's Choice is 50$.

If you'd like to sponsor/donate a prize or become a judge (for this AND future ScrambleJams only), don't hesitate to contact me!
(page bg by freepik)