This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-03-22 15:00:00 to 2023-03-26 14:00:00. View results


Released on 21.03.23


Like, this is my first jam here. What is it about you may ask, the answer will be reveal soon. The challenge is friendly to everyone! For people who don't know how to make games well, and for professionals who spend a long time on Scratch. 


  • Don't make the game before the start of jam, because it is giving you unfair advantage!
  • Don't make a short game, try to give there a plot/story
  • Make it not video game but pixel game
  • Can I post more than one game? Yes, but it won't be ranked
  • Can I change the game when I'll upload it? Yes, it doesn't matter if the time isn't ended
  • What engine can I use? Only scratch
  • Is there any prize for that? For now an observe from me and friends make ;), later something more
  • Will be here another jam? Of course! I hope for many of them ;)


  • Gameplay - (I guess you know ;) )
  • Enjoyment - Do you have a good opinion about it
  • Music - Your opinion about theme, and sounds
  • Game models - Opinion about background characters e.t.c.
  • Your opinion - What do you think about this game?