This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-12-13 00:00:00 to 2024-12-30 01:04:00. View results

Scratchers! Welcome to Scratch Game Jam #21.

The person who is hostng this game jam is Exotic! yes hi guys its me :)) )) ) ) )

Scratch Game Jam is a 14-day-long Scratch game development jam that occurs monthly on

We look forward to working with the next generation of creators to co-create the world.

Our previous activities >>>

Be sure to join our Discord to stay updated and ask any questions!

                                                  Join Gandi IDE DIscord

Gandi IDE is an in-browser game engine, a mod of MIT Scratch with collaboration features that allow scratchers to design and code together in real-time.
Scratch Coders™ is a vibrant community dedicated to coding with Scratch! We are a diverse group, from beginners to experts, all passionate about Scratch coding.
Scratch Community Sever is the major Scratch community in Discord. The server is a great place to talk, share ideas and collaborate beyond the limitations of Scratch.
ScratchTools, sponsoring this game jam, is a community-built Chrome and Firefox extension made for Scratch. It makes Scratching easier through hundreds of edits to the Scratch UI to make Scratch better than ever.


Add these wild cards for extra ng!



Any kind of game is okay! But always remember that it needs to fit the theme (as a mechanic).

Including our 4 twists announced...

JAM JUDGES will have their own weighted cateogoery, make sure to make your game fun and enjoyable for our judges to play.

Wild Cards, well you just saw them above.

NO OPEN VOTING! Only people who submit to the game jam can vote

THE THEME HAS TO BE A MECHANIC! Please make the theme a mechanic in your game rather than incorporating it as story

This is an exclusive engine jam. Only submissions created using the Scratch or Scratch mods, such as Gandi IDE or TurboWarp, will be allowed.

You must upload it as HTML5. Remember to make it playable in the browser. Submissions not including this will be removed. Gandi IDE can help you, and Here is a step-by-step guide for you.

Teams are okay! You can create solo or in a group. Gandi IDE's collaboration feature can help your team.

You can use certain assets or code snippets from your previous project, but it is not recommended to copy an entire project directly. Please make sure not to use someone else's project. Remember, the fun of a Game Jam lies in the challenge of creating something new within a limited timeframe.

Any attempt to obtain NG through fraud or other means is not allowed. The team takes these situations seriously. Enjoy Scratch Game Jam.


We will invite anyone to vote with Host & Partners.

Games will be rated on these criteria:

★ Enjoyment: How did you like the game?

★Visual: Does the game look good?

★Audio: Does the game sound good?

★Theme: Does this game belong in this jam?

★ Gameplay: How fun does the game feel?

🍦Gandi IDE Offers

Each entry will make the host add 1,000 NG to the Creators' Treasure Pool. The Creators' Treasure Pool will be distributed according to rank.  Each tier will share the rewards equally.     1st - 50% of the Treasure Pool     Top 20%(except 1st)- 25% of the Treasure Pool     Top 20%~50% - 15% of the Treasure Pool     Top 50%~ - 10% of the Treasure Pool 🔶Best "Made with Gandi IDE" game: 1,000 NG   🔶Participation prize for "Made with Gandi IDE" games: 200 NG.      Follow these instructions to be eligible for Gandi IDE prizes!   🔷1. Make a game using Gandi IDE!    🔷2. Submit your game to the jam. Don't forget to add "[Gandi IDE]" before your game's title!

We hope to see you participate and look forward to what you'll make.


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This game sucks
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this for the scratch game jam (MADE WITH TURBOWARP)
Earthbound inspired short rpg
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It's about you clicking on clocks in diffrent parts of time. All of the music is from Free Music on Youtube.
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​dave goes on a time traveling adventure across the timeline.
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How hard can a gear shift be?
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A customizable two-key rhythm game made in 48 hours.
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Decrease pollution and win the game!
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