This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-09-05 04:00:00 to 2022-10-10 03:59:59. View 2 entries
Are you experiencing September? Congratulations, this is common, it happens to most people once or twice a year. Now is the time to seize the yeast of the world and ferment , for soon the heat will be gone and it will be March once again.
Celebrate this September by making a large number of things, in a way normal standards wouldn't allow, for in September the rules, gloves, leashes, limiters, are off
Make 20 games, from the 5th to the end of the month there are 20 week days, by the end have made one game for each day
Good question, this jam is focused on "physical games", "table top roleplaying games", perhaps a "larp". A game is an activity, or inactivity, possessing purpose, through which uncertainty is explored, perhaps resolved. Games cause feelings; you may experience gender. A game may produce an artifact of play, a game may lack a practical application of play. A game requires one or more players to transcend it's physical form into it's true form; a packaged game is incomplete until a player interacts with it, and that player is fully complicit in the final game as a result. Games are the darksouls of stories. Where a novel tells you what the story is and you render it using your biases and assumptions into a unique version of that story, games, can, lead you to create a unique story; or setting, or setpiece, or they can make you complicit in your unique version of "that story", which is different, I'm certain.
Suffice to say, lyric games welcome, and undefined.
Do what you want cuz a pirate is free, but what makes sense to me is releasing most or all of the games you make as an anthology, rather than 20 distinct Itch listings.
You could release them all at once at the end, or update the anthology as you go. I don't expect you to make each game in one day, I will be doing light work across the week, compiling slash producing ideas, thinking about form, maybe some outlining and writing and then the bigger work on the weekends, layout and such.
It is a soft requirement that these 20 games be pretty small; I won't stop you, but it's not productive to imagine you're going to write 20 D&Ds in 26* days
Sepjember will begin at 00:00 EST, September 5th.
You are expected to have all of your games started by 00:00 EST, October 1st.
You have until 23:59, October 9th to submit your games. That's an extra two weekends
obvious stuff is obvious, no fascists, works depicting bigotry are fine but bigoted works are not. If a work is sexually explicit, that should be apparent from the outside so people can self select before being exposed to it.
If a plaintext form of your game exists, please make it available. If a plaintext form doesn't exist you should consider producing it and then making it available.
No limits on pricing or licensing. If you set a minimum price, please consider how you may make the game available to other participants, Itch has kind of a lot of tools about that.
There is no standard for completion, nor could there be. You should aim to reach or exceed a Minimum Viable Product, where the game as you imagine it functions, even if it doesn't have as much stuff in it as you want, the complexity you hope to achieve, or isn't refined yet.
There is no lose state (nor is there a win state)
There is only try.
After spending a month creating 20 works of art, of course it's time to spend October enjoying all the art. This is a reverse jam. Find a game in a submission, experience it, and make your experience public somehow. Post about it, write about it, tweet, stream, <verb for using cohost>, make art, in public, to grant attention to it.
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