Thank you for your feedback guys!!! Yeah it was definitely a tight fit this one! My other project required much more of my time than I anticipated, also a lot of the links sent are errors and don't lead to many web pages but I'll find them. I cut some corners in terms of posing with mixamo and doing the sculpt after the pose! But I wanted to submit something akin to my idea!!! I'd love to go back and revisit this properly, I've got her t posed and waiting in zbrush so I'll definitely redo her and I finally have access to Marvelous Designer courtesy of uni licences and will explore it in the near future!
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and feedback on this stylised and unfinished piece of work, it was fun in the brief time I had to complete it and wasn't expecting to be a "one to watch" in all honestly I thought it was quite bad...
Thank you,
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