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A jam submission

Mirror Mystic CarnivalView project page

A 3D environment based on the prompt Carnival!
Submitted by Lois_Annett — 36 minutes, 59 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Project Documentation#482.7393.000
Research + Development#532.5562.800
Creative Development#572.3732.600
Final Presentation#582.3732.600
Technical / Workflow#602.1912.400

Ranked from 5 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • Try and be a bit more efficient with your UV layouts and poly counts. The lights look particularly bad, and there are generally polys on flat surfaces that could be removed! Looking into trim sheets and tiling textures could be useful, you could potentially have used these in conjunction with a baked normal map for the tent fabric. The trees let you down a bit, would have been better to get some from an asset store as they were not your focus. Check your material definitions, some look a little shiny, and extending the scene a bit beyond the literal 30x30 footprint would have been beneficial to the overall composition.
  • Hi Lois! I think your scene captures the eerie mood you described in your intro and I like the effective use of UE5s real time reflections on the mirrors! I like how you seem to have utilized cloth physics modifiers to do the tent etc. Although the poly density of these assets are at odds with some other assets (the clown face entrance looks low poly in comparison). In UE5, I would push the more simple meshes a little more and go for a higher fidelity across all assets. If I could give one piece of advice on how to push your work, it would be to look at the use of tillable textures. In game development textures are large files, and anything that can keep them smaller helps. For example, the wood supports and the clown face entrance could share a tiling wood normal map that could repeat across the object. Same for the tent fabric etc. Its these things that help show resourcefulness in a project. Overall a simple but effective scene.

Challenge Tier

Search For A Star

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