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A jam submission

Samurai JoeView game page

Submitted by Kevin.De.Temmerman — 19 days, 13 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
UI/UX Consideration#44.0004.000
Gameplay Implementation#123.6673.667
Features & Additions#133.0003.000

Ranked from 3 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • This was very good, and a great spin on the base project. You should be proud of what you made! Some general notes: - Be careful with the approach of building for achievements, and not deadlines. That's a very slippy slope and can easily lead to crunch in projects. It can be better to create a plan and schedule how long things will take you. This allows you to evaluate your progress and see whether you need to cut features to hit the target. The goal here isn't to make a final game, but to create a slice of what you're final game would be. - Also make sure you allocate time at the end of a project for QA and Balancing and Play Testing. I know you may fix things as you go, but there are some bugs that only appear when everything is in. - Difficulty is a very tricky thing to balance. An easy win for a project like this is to add a Difficulty screen where players can choose Easy, Medium, Hard. These options then pull different levers in your game (time to type, length of words to type). - Whilst "stylewise" your whole game is very complete and links together very well, be careful about choosing style over accessibility. The font doesn't lend itself well to quick reading (Q vs O), think about either using a more basic font for certain parts, or adding the option to change it. But like I said, this was very impressive and you should be proud of what you made!
  • I love the style and the unique method of interaction, however the speed at which I have to enter the phrases was brutal and I kept dying.
  • Overall the game looks great and performs very well. There is quite a steep learning curve and sometimes it feels there is not enough downtime since the moment you face a path, you face the encounter too. The sound is matching the tension of the game and I liked the twist in the control scheme too. Also, great work with the implementation of the hybrid procedural level generation. Apart from one bug (where you can see an empty level if you turn around at the beginning of the level), the implementation works great.

Challenge Tier

Search For A Star

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