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A jam submission

Beat DefenderView game page

An endless shoot 'em up driven by music
Submitted by elor — 2 days, 2 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Features & Additions#133.0003.000
UI/UX Consideration#193.0003.000
Gameplay Implementation#223.0003.000

Ranked from 2 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • This was good, you should be proud of what you made. Some general notes: - You did the right thing by trying to make something smaller. With a project like this, a good approach is to try and create a polished vertical slice of what your final game would be. Then if you have more time you can add extra features on top. - Don't be afraid if whilst working and find yourself short on time, to stop and evaluate how long you have left, and how long its taken you so far. Its okay if you need to scrap features to achieve that vertical slice. - Difficulty can be a very hard thing to balance in games. An easy win for a project like this, is to add a Difficulty Select screen (Easy, Medium, Hard) and each of these can then pull levers in your game (i.e. Enemy Damage, Enemy speed, etc.) - Something for next time is to try and make your Menu UI more consistent. You use the text input for the home screen, but then a button in the Game Over screen. Try using the same approach across all screens. But I like said, this was good!
  • Good documentation, commendable approach to the development process - keeping scope sensible and building from there. Perhaps tactical options would benefit from a shorter ranged weapon both for the player and enemies - currently you start taking fire from something off screen, when it would be better perhaps to see them before they start firing?

Challenge Tier

d3t Rising Star

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I was really impressed by this game. the controls are simple and intuitive. I think a game like this could definitely make a great, possibly addictive mobile game.