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A jam submission

Hotel of RotView game page

A (very) short horror experience made for the 'search for a star' game jam.
Submitted by mitchellfielder — 21 hours, 58 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Gameplay Implementation#44.5004.500
UI/UX Consideration#193.0003.000
Features & Additions#362.0002.000

Ranked from 2 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • Very well executed prototype considering that a lot of the content was hand crafted. The shader effect(s) are a very nice touch and the sound helps with immersion. I also liked the use of the dialogue system in this game. One feature I'd like to see, it would be the objectives to be communicated to the player in a better way.
  • This was very good and you should be proud of what you made. Some general notes: - It was good that you focused on making a vertical slice of your game. This worked really well here. I just would have liked to see more features in the game, and a bigger idea of where the game would go with more time. Some ideas of features for this would be: objective text on the screen ("Escape", "Find the Key", "Unlock the door", etc.), just to give the player an idea of what they're doing and their goals. Also it would be good if you had some sort of checkpoint/saving system. I died to the monster and I wasn't sure why, having to replay the first part just to get back to where I died (and unsure of why, with the concern of doing the same thing wrong again), isn't great. - In a game like this, Sound Effects are a massive part of it, and whilst the music and effects work well, the SFX for the Monster were quite off, it was always very close heavy breathing despite it being a couple of corridors away. Just something to polish and tweak. But like I said, this was very good.

Challenge Tier

Search For A Star

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