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A jam submission

Siberian TigerView project page

My submission to the SFASX Animation Contest of 2020.
Submitted by Ids — 47 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Research + Development#112.3332.333

Ranked from 3 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • Idle It depends on the type of game as to how exaggerated the idle and breathing should be. The actual pose is a strong, dynamic pose. However, with the breathing being so subtle, the player may not see this from a distance. Power Up Nice idea with the tiger getting down and sniffing the ground and into a "ready to pounce" position. Having the tail so stationary unfortunately really stands out as it's so prevalent on the tiger and pose. A quick way to get some motion on this is to animate the base of the tail, then copy this rotation to the other controllers on the tail. Depending on how much you offset these keys as you go down the tail, it determines how loose or muscular it is. Slide back - Missing anticipation. Unless the character comes under an external force, then there would be some indication of what the characters going to do. - Watch for twinning, both legs move back and stop at the same point. Having one reach the final place earlier, will help sell the characters settle. Recovery - Overall nice animation to get the tiger back into idle position. - A few issues with snappy motion in the head, but not excessive - Watch the spacing for the root motion, there's a drastic change from frame 511 > 512. Like a bouncing ball, the hips will be accelerating into the down position having eased in from the peak. - Again watch the twinning with both arms doing the same motion. Offsetting them slightly, even by a couple of frames will help break this up.
  • Just some feedback on the animations: - I found your idle quite nice and subtle. Maybe can add some extras to ieat like head turns etc. - There's alot of twinning going on, like the arms and legs are just mirrored. Need to offset the arms and legs and add some twists to the body in general to make you poses more interesting. - The timing of the animations are all one speed. You need to vary it more and also offset your body parts so they don't all move at the same time.
  • Hey, I think overall it works, but it could have been a bit cooler. Like an attack or a full set of idle - Walk - Run - Jump. This is what you would be asked of in the industry as a gameplay animator, but what you have worked and has some nice weight and overlap in areas. I would of loved to have seen more actions though as these ones look nice :)

Challenge Tier

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