This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-07-06 17:00:00 to 2024-07-20 17:00:00. View results
Welcome to the summer installment of the Incremental Game Jam! This is a bi-annual jam for and by the incremental/idle game community. It's a 2 week jam with a 2 week voting period for specifically the idle/incremental genre. If you are unsure about what constitutes an incremental game, check out some of the popular games on galaxy for inspiration
The rules
All NSFW and 18+ content is banned, and it's also disallowed to prepare non-public code before the jam starts. If you need clarification or are unsure, ask in the Community tab or join the Discord. Also, all public code or self-made code made public before the jam starts is fine too.
That's basically it though.
Voting and end of jam
The jam starts at 19:00/7PM UTC+2 on July 6th. Then there's 2 weeks to submit, until July 20th, and finally there is a 2 week voting period until August 3rd, which is when the results will be made public. There are no restrictions on who can vote.
The criteria
There are 4 criteria that are voted on for each game. The first is Fun, which is just for overall enjoyment of the game. Second is Theme, which is how well your game fits the theme. Third is Uniqueness, how original your game is, and finally there's Balance, which is decided based on how "fast" your game goes (e.g how much there is to do and how long people have to wait)
The theme
The theme is Evasion!
Our community
We mainly make announcements and mention other news on our Discord, but if you have burning questions, you can ask them in the community tab too.
That's all there is to know, so happy coding!
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