The perfect simple stealth game
In-game dialogue
Stealth masterpiece
Control the light and dark as your weapon
Noise incorporated really well
Art-style is solid
Can sprint with downsides so it's not always used
Indicators of noise and suspicion and the footsteps of enemies in the dark
Actual masterpiece
Interesting stuff, this is really clever of a game idea
music goes hard and I move my light to the beat like tap rotation, damn
cool game mechanic, not like the other games actually
art is solid
maybe like make it so it is possible I can save all the boats, maybe powerups or the boats going in different directions when hit too long idk, I swear I'm good at this game which I played less than 5 mins. off of
Good game fr on god no shot
I like the having to tap to move
light buff feels nice to have
chests makes mistakes noob friendly so I beat it one try
I like the text showing up, it is like a text game which gives the game feel nicer
Showed stats in the end and more stuff to get if played again
No controls even in the description so I had to guess also held the controls like a dummy
Didn't know touching monsters was kills, thought it was danger but it was stats, could've killed more
Tap movement feels slow, should have a speed buff where I can have less idle interval between taps or stacking taps so I can double tap per move or something
light buff could be nicer if I can trigger it instead of instant so I can use it when I'm lost instead of just getting it in an already empty room