This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-10-01 04:00:00 to 2021-11-01 03:59:59. View results

A slasher film is a subgenre of horror films involving a killer murdering a group of people, usually by use of bladed tools. Although the term "slasher" may occasionally be used informally as a generic term for any horror film involving murder, film analysts cite an established set of characteristics which set slasher films apart from other horror subgenres, such as splatter films and psychological horror films.

Slasher films are a horror classic and a perfect fit for MÖRK BORG. Pick your favorite slasher (or splatter, I guess) flick and write up anything for it. Items, classes, monsters, dungeons, it is all fair game!


We want to make the Slasher Jam a proper zine and are prepared to pay you for your entry so that we can! If we are able to successfully kickstart a printed copy of the Slasher Zine, each participant will be paid $10 per page submitted. This number will go up with stretch goals, if we get to that point. You will maintain full rights to your content and this payment will license full use of the content for the Slasher Jam and Zine and nothing more. You still own it, we're just paying you to let us print it.


Yup you heard right, we will have prizes! As they slowly make their way to my house I'll be sure to post pictures of them along with links to the rabid scvm that sent them. Some prizes will be digital, each of these will be delivered by whatever means is easiest for the person providing the prize. I will be paying out of pocket for the shipping for US winners. No purchase necessary to join. Winners will be selected sometime after the submission period closes, at random from the pool of submitted content to the  jam. Winners will be allowed to select the prize of their choice while supplies last and will pick from the prizes in the same order that their names are drawn. Winners may be responsible for customs fees or other unforeseeable costs (ie local taxes). Anyone can enter, one entry per person.

One lucky participant will get a PDF of Vast Grimm! RaptorShadow claimed!

One lucky participant will get a test print of the 30 Days of MÖRK BORG: Adventure Chapbook Vol. 2! Big_Boss claimed!

One lucky participant will get a physical copy of Kennels of Karnage! Gaffy claimed!

Two lucky participants will get a PDF and physical copy of Within A Mile of Home! Skol and Jegs claimed!

One lucky participant will get Yellow Sign of Hastur Elder Dice! US only on this one though, sorry! NewYear claimed!


Submissions can be as long as you want, but must be in A5 dimensions (same size as the core book) - A4 for a two page spread. We request a pages version with 3mm bleed and no legal text be included in your upload for collection into a consolidated PDF.

Submissions can be free or "Pay What You Want" and MUST be content for MÖRK BORG the TTRPG and not for other game systems. Please include the 3rd party MÖRK BORG license text on your submission, which can be found here.


Please give credit where it is due and be mindful of copyright.

Slasher Jam  is an independent production by members of  the Trve Mörk Borg Discord Server and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the Mörk Borg Third Party License.

MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

Head on over to the official Mörk Borg Discord for more info!


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4 MÖRK BORG Horror Movie Monsters
A MÖRK BORG compatible Slasher Themed Monster
The grisly machinations of bladed killers. Mork Borg supplement.
The night SHE came home!
For when you want MÖRK BORG characters to better fit a slasher flick story
A Slasher dungeon an bestiary for the slasher jam!
a MÖRK BORG dungeon for the #slasher-jam
A Dungeon Escape for Mork Borg
The Killer's Weapon, compatible with MÖRK BORG and crafted for the Slasher Jam
An adventure in perpetual darkness for MÖRK BORG.
Mörk Borg compatible adventure site
Slasher Jam Entry inspired by the 1977 "the Hills Have Eyes" film. Hex Map + Monster Stats. For MORK BORG RPG.
An encounter for Mörk Borg
Cursed items inspired by classic slasher movies for Mork Borg.
On Hallows Eve, awaken a great evil. An entity of anger and despair...and escape the Floating Halls Manor
A Slasher Monster for MÖRK BORG -