This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-04-03 14:00:00 to 2021-04-09 22:00:00. View results
To avoid misunderstandings, please read this note:
When I mean a small and basic game, I use the term "small & basic" or "small and basic", while when I mean the LANGUAGE Small Basic, developed by Microsoft in 2008, I use the term "Small Basic". Everyone that participates in this jam should read this message.
This is a Game Jam where you should make a game written in Small Basic, but not bare-bones Small Basic, so to make the game-making process easier, you should use the LitDev library that introduces a lot of interesting functions to Small Basic to help you create the game.
1. The games must use only Small Basic and LitDev.
2. No games should be posted after the deadline!
3. Do not use anything that is NTSW, violates copyright, or defeats the purpose of this jam.
4. The themes and the restrictions below are optional, though if you follow any of the themes, there will be a higher chance of winning. Also, some themes and restrictions have rules connected to them that only apply when they are selected.
==Optional Restrictions==
1. Use a restricted color palette. (Rule: You should reveal the color palette you use before making the game!)
2. Use a restricted screen resolution. (Rule: Like with the restricted color palette, you should reveal the screen resolution before making the game!)
3. Use only geometric shapes like trapezoids, squares, triangles, etc.
4. Limit yourself to the maximum game size you want of the compiled game file.
==Optional Themes==
1. Roads
2. Running Out Of Space
3. Build It, Then Use It
4. Sound Is A Weapon
5. Beyond The Wall
6. Don't Go Outside
7. End Where You Started
8. Control More Than One
9. One Level, But Constantly Changing
10. Control Two Things At Once
11. The Rules Change As You Play
12. Only One Bullet
13. Destroy The System
14. Control The Environment, Not The Characters
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