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A downloadable game for Windows.
[English | Português abaixo!] Netbit is an RPG inspired by the Mystery Dungeon game series, it is a cyber security digital agent created to protect the network. The player must delete different types of viruses and solve cybersecurity prob...
Dustin K. Chavez published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game.
I didn't have a lot of time to make something complete, but I worked extensively on the Battle System to give folks some Ideas on how to go about their game! This is a Action Battle System that is turned on and off by holding the [Space] Ke...
xspot published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game.
One Day the Villain Mastermind kidnaps the townspeople, a hero comes to his aid, but the hero is found unconscious. will the city survive? there might some bug. Smile Game Builder Game Jam 2022
Ophidian Ren published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game.
This is my entry for the Official Smile Game Builder Summer 2022 Game Jam by AmalgamAsh. You play as a young Wizard named Luke, whose goal is to collect different types of Elemental Crystals and combine them to create Monsters that can help...
FeverDev published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
What is real, and what is not? Miracle is a game about algorithms, artificial intelligence, sentience and free will. You play as Amalgamia. She believes to be a young girl who is trapped in a valley with another girl, Katey. An old abandone...
SDAssets published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
This is my entry for the SGB Summer JAM 2022. It's been further enhanced from my V1 demo, it has also had work done on it with Unity to enhance the game visually, and performance wise. I hope you really enjoy my demo!
flawmore published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
The Fatal Tip is my entry into The OFFICIAL Smile Game Builder Summer Jam 2022.
YOHUKASHI updated a バカゲーRPG 2 years ago
A downloadable バカゲーRPG for Windows.
Added platform Windows.
1 new upload: 127 MB
Kumachan published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game.
You are born with powers that eat away your life each time you use it. How can survive when you are being hunted by unknown creatures called the Elementals which roam downtown Tokyo? Demo/proof of concept for the 2022 SGB Official Game Jam.
ChipSet Games updated a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Updated page content.
1 new upload:
Little WonderLand (Easy Mode).zip 172 MB
YOHUKASHI published a バカゲーRPG 2 years ago
A downloadable バカゲーRPG for Windows.
20XX年世界は平和に包まれた しかし、そこまで待ったをかけたのは勇者の 母ちゃん⁉ 自分の子供たちから例の本を奪い取れ!
ChipSet Games published a game 2 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
★ストーリー 朝から妙な胸騒ぎを感じたシスター(あなた)は訪ねてきた一匹の猫に誘われ、不思議な世界へと迷い込んでいく・・・ ★概要 アクションRPGです。 古い80年代のゲー...
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