This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-09-01 04:00:00 to 2020-09-15 04:00:00. View results

Please be nice this is my first game jam Hosted


THEME: You don't know what you have until you lose it.





1. Your entry must feature Theme of the Jam .

2. If you are using asset from other people please credit them in the description or in the game.

3.  The game must be published in the time demanded.

4.  No  NSFW(porn , racisme, sexisme, etc).

6. Do not bully other people of the jam..

7. Your game is not our propriety. So you can do whatever you want it after the game jam.

8.You can use an old game you where working on if you want, but it must fit the theme.

9.Everyone can participate.


Do I need to finish my game in time? No. But we will need a demo for it to be juge.

Is there a price to win?  Yes you now have created a new game. (more seriously, no there's no real price for this game jam)

How do I win?  You'll need a game that have all of the criteria and that people like enough to vote for it.

Is there a discord for this Game Jam?  Yes there is a server and here's the link:


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