This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-05-05 01:30:00 to 2021-06-04 13:30:00. View results
The Sokpop Community Jam is hosted by RedEyedFigure and Rutta, both sokpop frequenters/patrons who've decided that someone had to make this kind of jam.
This is a ~1 month game-making marathon for anyone who'd like to make a game with the theme, with any game-making tool they like(as long as it's playable on windows or mac in some form). For beginners, we highly suggest Sok-Stories, sokpop's easy to use but surprisingly versatile game-making tool.
Who is allowed to submit? Anyone, going solo or doing the jam as a team.
What tools are allowed? Virtually anything, as long as it's playable in some shape or form on PC
What can you use? Any assets you have the right to, including pre-made ones.
Why did we not just wait for sokpop to answer our questions about the legality of this? IDK, Go ask Jean-Paul Sartre
How is voting going to be done? Anyone can vote on a project, we just request that you do not abuse the system. It will be extremely easy to tell if some piece of crab has a bunch more votes than everything else.
What language can you write the games in? Anything, but we do request for foreign-language games that you write a simple controls-list in english or dutch.
Is there a discord server for this? No, but we strongly request that you join Sokpop's Discord Server
What is the theme? Bootleg Sokpop Sequel! Make a sequel to any sokpop game and hope you don't get sued.
What is sokpop's patreon? This, we highly recommend you subscribe, it's a great bang-for-buck price-wise and never disappoints.
What is the prize? A steam key to the most recent sokpop game surrounding the release
Can you use sokpop source code as a base? Nope, redistribution is piracy, and will be removed from the jam.
What content is not allowed? Anything past a pg-13 will be removed, so no heavy language, drug use, sexual content, or heavy violence.
Oh, and the jam is unauthorized as of this moment, but hopefully that will change.
1 MORE INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT RULE: Has to have mini waku-waku font at some point in the game or else...
(Or Pear Script)
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