Beautifully formatted and well-written solo journaling game! I used a standard deck while playing, and though it was a lot of back-and-forth looking between the pages, I appreciate having that option. I went the gothic fiction route, and in many cases the prompts and narratives supported it.
My ONLY difficulty in playing (and this is very very tiny, and purely down to personal preference) is that I had decided upon a classic gothic narrative, and certain results related to the Curse did not support that. So I had to get creative in how I interpreted them.
The writing was solid, and I found the prompts to be very thought-provoking in all the right ways. I stumbled a little with the instructions, but that was more likely due to this being my first solo journal ever than problems with the writing.
Did I mention the layout is gorgeous? It did its job and hooked me right from the preview images.
And thank you, Orpheus Press, for being my gateway drug into solo journaling.
Inventive use of card prompts and deck stacking along with a great set up!