Let's Jam! Dungeon Jam is a tabletop roleplaying game featuring no-prep dungeon busting with quick and satisfying exploration, combat , harvesting and crafting . Dungeon Jam is a ttrpg using both d6 dice pools and common playing cards to fu...
Are you making a game for the Songs and Sagas Game Jam and would like a different kind of hexmap than the one that comes with the standard map kit ? Why don't you check out this one then! While advertised for Songs & Sagas, this map templat...
This is a direct copy of the Songs and Sagas SRD and designer notes ported to Google Docs. The idea is you can make a copy of this file and start editing the text for your own game right away. Enjoy! Licensing This work is based on Songs an...
Limited Edition Deluxes! https://nlf.gumroad.com/l/ddd1 Can you brave the ancient dwarven depths? In the darkest depths of the ancient dwarven kingdoms known as Dweomerdark, brave and foolhardy adventurers raid ancient tombs, fight undead...